What does it cost to list in the NALP Directory of Legal Employers?
The fees for listing in the NALP Directory vary depending on firm size, number of addtional offices, and the membership status of your organization. Government agencies and public interest employers list for free.
Sample pricing scenario:
Law Firm X (a NALP member firm) has two offices; the first office has 150 lawyers and the second office has 125 lawyers. The listing fees for Law Firm X would be calculated as
$1025 | (275 total lawyers in the firm determines the initial listing fee) |
+635 | (125 lawyers in the additional office) |
$1,660 | (Total fees) |
NALP Member Listing Fees
Number of Lawyers in Firm | Initial Listing Fee (based on size of firm) |
25 or fewer | $460 |
26-100 | $700 |
101-200 | $860 |
201-500 | $1025 |
501-700 | $1525 |
701 - 1000 |
$1900 |
1001+ | $2255 |
Number of Lawyers in Office | Each additional office listed (based on office size) |
25 or fewer | $385 |
26-100 | $510 |
101-200 | $635 |
201-500 | $795 |
501-700 | $895 |
701 - 1000 |
$1020 |
1001+ | $1250 |
Non-member Listing Fees
Number of Lawyers in Firm | Initial Listing Fee (based on size of firm) |
25 or fewer | $695 |
26-100 | $945 |
101-200 | $1120 |
201-500 | $1280 |
501-700 | $1785 |
701 -1000 |
$2150 |
1001+ | $2475 |
Number of Lawyers in Office | Each additional office listed (based on office size) |
25 or fewer | $645 |
26-100 | $785 |
101-200 | $890 |
201-500 | $1025 |
501-700 | $1155 |
701 - 1000 |
$1280 |
1001+ | $1410 |
Premium Account (member or non-member) $1500
Employers can opt for a premium account, an additional fee-based feature that will allow access to additional functionality. Some of these features include additional fields in the employer profile, the ability to upload and include a logo on your profile, connection of your social media channels to your profile page, and the ability to run benchmarking reports against other employers of your choosing.
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